More useful tips
Work Quickly
Work quickly in the beginning of your projects. Variations are key to getting your design and thinking aligned. They’ll also help make revisions easier after a client has seen your design (e.g., you may have already thought through a revision request). Lastly, it should be solid working time. That means turning off your IM, Twitter, Facebook I.V. and ignoring the impulse to email or check the latest sports scores when you get stuck (which you will). When you get stuck…
Take a Break
Try not to work more than 2-3 hours at a time on a design. Design and creativity both need time to rest, as does your head. Put your design away for an hour or two and then come back to it. You’ll have fresh eyes and some of those tweaks you were working on will be easier to get right. If you’re on a tight deadline (and who isn’t these days), try to take at least 15 minutes here and there to recover. Get some fresh air, talk to a friend, coworker, preferably all three. Conversations will bring inspiration and help you with designers block.